women in audio

Women at the console- Hunting for unicorns

Only known female studio engineer of popular music in Naarm (Melbourne) pre 2000’s. First known female studio engineer in Australia employed in 1978 at Albert’s.  Our cover girl, Karen Hewitt worked on records for local sensations such as The Reels, Goanna, Paul Norton, Air Supply and Kylie Minogue, as well as international artists, Rick Astley, LaToya Jackson, Paul McCartney, Donna Summer, Mel & Kim and many more.

Karen Hewitt | Recording Studios Living Archive


Listen - Can you hear that |Recording Studios Living Archive




Sally Laver founded rehearsal and recording studio, Pan Studios in Geelong, Wathaurong country in Victoria.  Pan Studios was home to local underground artists from 1995-2008.

Showcasing the work of studio recording and audio engineers in various areas of music technology and audio today ‘read more’ for information on local talents behind various consoles.





Male studio engineer and producer, John French, one of the few Australian producers in the golden ages of studio recording who chose to work with a non-male studio engineer.

He entrusted Karen Hewitt with operating the console of major releases.  French, a pioneer of Australian studio recording (Skyhooks, Billy Thorpe & the Aztecs, Sunbury Music Festival) was interviewed in 2018 about his career by site curator Lilith Lane  a few days before he .


Recording Studios Living Archive



Gear and women, why so little tech talk?

When popular audio equipment forum site Gearslutz, established in 2000, rebranded to Gearspace in early 2021, long-term forum participants were either disgusted, congratulatory or nonchalant.


Recording Studios Living Archive
It sure has been a wild ride of late with the noise of #METOO emerging from the music industry. For those who have never seen, experienced or inflicted any sexist suffering on women in the industry it might seem like a whole lot of fuss about a few bad apples.